Friday Faves

Friday Faves

This week has been up, down, and a bit all over the place so I’m VERY happy to see the weekend in sight! Today I’ll be taking a long-awaited trip to downtown LA to check it all out (as well as a restaurant I’ve been drying to try), and look forward to a weekend of dinners with friends and some much-needed blog catch-up! In the mean time, here are just a few of my faves right now…

1. The only thing I’d consider as a replacement for actual cake would be a watermelon. I’d love an opportunity to try this recipe for a summer party!

2. The Goldfinch has kept me up turning pages a few nights in a row now.

3. In prepping for a much-anticipated girls’ trip to Vegas, I came across the Thrillist’s ‘Best Cures for a Vegas Hangover’ that I should probably file away…just in case ;)

4. Who knew that picking up a $4 bunch of sunflowers could make me smile all week long? I love how happy, summery, and hearty they are to keep around the house.

5. A fresh pair of tennis-ball-lemon-lime runners make me want to run and jump!

6. Is there such thing as overdosing on quinoa? If so, I may have a problem. A healthy and hearty quinoa bowl has been my go-to for lunch (and a few dinners) this week.

Happy weekend!

xo Ali

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